Founded in 2015 by Lilly Downs
Summer Camp 2024
We will be offering 10 weeks of summer camp.
Week 1 - June 24-28
Week 2 - July 1-3 (prorated accordingly)
Week 3 - July 8-12
Week 4 - July 15-19
Week 5 -July 22-26
Week 6 - July 29 - August 2
Week 7 - August 5-9
Week 8 -August 12-16
Week 9 - August 19-23
Week 10 -August 26-30
Hours of camp:
​Recreational, Xcel and Levels 3-4options available:
Half-Day 9-2 pm
Half-Day 12-5 pm
Full Day 9-5 pm
Levels 5-10 options available:
Full Day 9-5 pm
Fees (subject to change):
Half Day 9-2 pm: $390/week
Full Day 9-5 pm: $490/week
10% sibling discount from camp total
Early bird discount: Pay for the cap before April 15th and get a 10% discount from the total of the weeks that were registered before April 15th.
When register for multiply weeks get the following discounts:
3-4 weeks 10% discount from total
5-6 weeks 15% discount from total
7-8 weeks 18% discount from total
9-10 weeks 20% discount from total
Note: to get a discount a total number of weeks should be purchased at the same time.
Camp requirements:
Recreational: no minimum, but we recommend 3+ weeks
Students who joins Xcel Bronze, Silver (Season 2024-2025): 3+ weeks is a must
Students who joins Level 3-4 and Xcel Gold,Diamond,Platinum (Season 2024-2025): 4+ weeks is mandatory
Students who joins Levels 5-10: a minimum of 6 weeks is mandatory
No make ups available for missed days or hours of training
We do not pro-rate, carry over or refund. All fees are final!
We can not move weeks from one to another as we plan our camps according to original enrollment.
Camp description:
All camp weeks will include flexibility, strengthening, acrobatics, ballet, technique and apparatus training, as well as routines learning and fun sport games.